6. Leukemia-predisposing conditions

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6. Leukemia-predisposing conditions создатель Mind Map: 6. Leukemia-predisposing conditions

1. Leukemia

1.1. accounts for 30%~ Paeds cancer

1.2. most sporadic

2. What is the difference between AML and ALL?

2.1. AML and ALL are the two main types of acute leukaemia. The difference between them is the type of white blood cell affected.

3. Leukemia-predisposing conditions

3.1. Single genes

3.1.1. PAX5

3.1.2. CEBPA

3.1.3. ETV6

3.1.4. GATA2

3.2. Cancer syndrome

3.2.1. LFS low hypodiploid B-ALL

3.2.2. CMMRD ALL & AML

3.3. chr instability syndromes

3.3.1. FA

3.3.2. Nijmegen

3.3.3. AT

3.3.4. Bloom

3.3.5. DKC

3.3.6. Shwachman-Diamond

3.3.7. Diamond-Blackfan syndrome

3.4. RAS-opathies

3.4.1. NF1

3.4.2. Noonan

3.5. Aneuploidy

3.5.1. T21 acute megakaryocytic leukemia

4. PAX5

4.1. AD, reduced penetrance

4.2. B-ALL in childhood

4.3. no screen recommendation


5.1. AD

5.2. AML

6. LFS

6.1. low hypodiploid B-ALL

7. ETV6

7.1. B-ALL (MDS, AML, MM)

8. GATA2

8.1. AD

8.2. symptoms

8.2.1. MDS -> AML MDS: myelodysplasia - bone marrow cells do not develop into mature blood cells (so has to develop into AML)

8.3. co-morbidity

8.3.1. HPV and Epstein-Barr virus infection

9. Mnemonic

9.1. Pc LEg

9.1.1. Always Sitting in front of PC, LEg has no muscle; Exposed to radiation, got Leukemia

9.1.2. P,L,E: ALL

9.1.3. c, g: AML

10. Surveillance

10.1. refer to specialist

10.2. educate on signs of leukemia

10.2.1. cheek "rash"

10.2.2. fatigue, fever, brusing, spenomegaly

10.3. think about transplant

11. Surveillance testing

11.1. CBC

11.2. bone marrow aspiration and biopsy