Steps in Writing

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Steps in Writing создатель Mind Map: Steps in Writing

1. 4. Proofread & Finalize

1.1. COPS

1.1.1. Capitalization

1.1.2. Organization

1.1.3. Punctuation

1.1.4. Spelling

1.2. Is is neat? Can you read it? Are all my letters formed correctly?

2. 1. Think about your topic

2.1. Read the question.

2.1.1. Do you understand what is being asked?? Yes- Get brainstorming! Not really, ask for help!

3. 2. Brainstorm

3.1. Get as many ideas down as possible

3.1.1. Once you're done, narrow down your topics and details. What are most important? Put a BLUE "T" next to your topic ideas Put a RED "D" next to your details

4. 3. Rough Draft

4.1. Start writing!

4.1.1. Remember you will be editing later, get some good thoughts on the paper.

4.2. Structure

4.2.1. Topic sentence

4.2.2. Supporting detail

4.2.3. Supporting detail

4.2.4. Supporting detail

4.2.5. Conclusion

5. 5. Final copy

5.1. Use neat handwriting

5.2. Take your time

5.3. Follow your rough draft, fix anything needed for final copy