Data Stuctures

GATE CSE 2022 Syllabus mind map

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Data Stuctures создатель Mind Map: Data Stuctures

1. 1.Intro to C

1.1. Write a program to print Hello world!

1.2. Introduction to C- language

1.3. Format specifiers

1.4. character input and output.

2. 2.Types, operator

2.1. Data types and Sizes

2.2. Enum Data Type

2.3. Type conversions

2.4. Constants

2.5. String Constants

2.6. Assignment operators

2.7. Bit operators

2.8. Ternary operator

2.9. Increment and decrement operator

2.10. Precedence and order of evaluation of operators

2.11. Write a program to print Fahrenheit - Celsius Table

2.12. Write a program to print Fahrenheit - celsius table (Continue..)

3. 14.Stacks and queues

3.1. 1.DS- Introduction to stacks

3.2. 2.DS- Implementation of stack using arrays

3.3. 3.DS- Linked list implementation of stack

3.4. 4.DS- Implementation of a Queue using circular array

3.5. 5.DS- GATE 2012 question on circular queue

3.6. 6.DS- GATE 2004 question on implementing Queue using circular linked list

3.7. 7.DS- GATE 94 question on permutations possible with a stack

3.8. `8.DS- Gate 97 question on implementing stack using priority queue

3.9. 9.DS- Gate 03 question on average lifetime of an element in the stack

3.10. 10.DS- GATE 2006 question on implementing a queue using two stacks

3.11. 11.DS- GATE 2000 question on implementing queue using one stack

3.12. 12.DS- Infix to postfix conversion algorithm

3.13. 13.DS- Postfix evaluation algorithm

4. 15.Trees

4.1. 1.DS- Introduction to tree traversals

4.2. 2.DS- Implementation of traversals and time and space analysis

4.3. 3.DS- Double order traversal

4.4. 4.DS- Triple order traversal

4.5. 5.DS- Indirect recursion on trees

4.6. 6.DS- Number of binary trees possible

4.7. 7.DS- Number of binary trees possible labelled and unlabelled

4.8. 8.DS- construction of unique binary tree using In order and preorder

4.9. 9.DS- Recursive program to count the number of nodes

4.10. 10.DS- Recursive program to count the number of leaves and non leaves

4.11. 11.DS- Recursive program to find the full nodes

4.12. 12.DS- Recursive program to find the height of a tree

4.13. 13.DS- Introduction to BST

4.14. 14.DS- GATE 05 question on BST

4.15. 15.DS- GATE 05 question on number of BSTs possible

4.16. 16.DS- Gate 06 IT question on search sequence

4.17. 17.DS- GATE 08 IT question on search sequence

4.18. 18.DS- GATE 08 question on identifying INORDER, PREORDER and POSTORDER

4.19. 19.DS- GATE question on ways to populate unlabelled binary tree as BST

4.20. 20.DS- Deleting a node from BST

4.21. 21.DS- Finding minimum and maximum in a BST

4.22. 22.DS- Leaves in complete n-ary tree GATE 98 question

4.23. 23.DS- Leaves in complete n-ary tree 2002 question

4.24. 24.DS- Recursive program on testing whether a tree is complete binary tree

4.25. 25.DS- Introduction to AVL trees and balancing

4.26. 26.DS- Constructing AVL trees and time complexity analysis

4.27. 27.DS- Construction of AVL tree

4.28. 28.DS- Minimum and maximum nodes in an AVL tree of height h

4.29. 29.DS- Relationship between nodes of degree 2 and leaves(GATE 95 06)

4.30. 30.DS- GATE 96 2008 T_F questions on trees

4.31. 31.DS- IT 05 question on the minimum number of nodes in a size balanced tree

4.32. 32.DS- GATE 97 question on finding minimum number of nodes on a size balanced tree

4.33. 33.DS- 2014 Gate question on Balanced binary search tree

4.34. 34.DS- Expression trees

4.35. 35.DS- GATE 2014 question on expression tree

4.36. 36.DS- Various tree representations

4.37. 37.DS- GATE 2000 question on nested tree representation

4.38. 38.DS- GATE 2005 IT question on guessing the root node

4.39. 39.DS- GATE IT 06 question on array representation of a binary tree

4.40. 40.DS- GATE 2014 question on Left most child and right sibling representation of a tree

5. 16.Graphs

5.1. 1.DS- Introduction to Graphs

5.2. 2.DS- Representation of Graphs

5.3. 3.DS- Introduction of BFS and DFS

5.4. 4.DS- BFS algorithm

5.5. 5.DS- BFS analysis in case of linked list implementation of Graph

5.6. 6.DS- BFS analysis on adjacency matrix implementation

5.7. 7.DS- Breadth First Traversal using BFS

5.8. 8.DS- DFS algorithm

5.9. 9.DS- Analysis of DFS and DFT

5.10. 10.DS- Introduction to Topological Sort

5.11. 11.DS- Algorithm for topological sort (Approach-1)

5.12. 12.DS- Algorithm for topological sort (Approach 2)

5.13. 13.DS- GATE 03 question on DFS

5.14. 14.DS- GATE IT 08 question on DFS

5.15. 15.DS- GATE 2014 question on the depth of the DFS recursion stack

5.16. 16.DS- GATE IT 06 question on DFS on guessing the graph structure

6. 17.Hashing

6.1. 1.DS- Direct Address Table

6.2. 2.DS- Introduction to Hashing

6.3. `3.DS- Chaining

6.4. 4.DS- GATE 96 and 2014 questions on chaining

6.5. 5.DS- GATE 2014 question on chaining and probability

6.6. 6.DS- GATE 97 question on chaining and probability

6.7. 7.DS- Open addressing

6.8. 8.DS- Linear probing

6.9. 9.DS- 2008 Gate question on linear probing

6.10. 10.DS- 2008 IT question on linear probing

6.11. 11.DS- GATE IT 07 question on probability and hashing

6.12. 12.DS- GATE 2010 question on probing and permutations

6.13. 13.DS- Quadratic probing

6.14. 14.DS- Double hashing

7. 18.Disjoint Sets

7.1. 1.DS- Data Structure for Disjoint Sets

7.2. 2.DS- Operations on Disjoint Sets

7.3. 3.DS- Linked List representation of Disjoint Sets

7.4. 4.DS- Time complexity for linked list representation of Disjoint Sets

7.5. 5.DS- Amortized analysis of Disjoint Sets using linked list representation

7.6. 6.DS- Disjoint set forest

7.7. 7.DS- Union by rank

7.8. 8.DS- Analysis union by rank

7.9. 9.DS- Path compression

7.10. 10.DS- Time complexity using the Heuristics

7.11. 11.DS- Kruskal's algorithm using Disjoint sets

7.12. 12.DS- Example on kruskal's using Disjoint sets

7.13. 13.DS- Connected componands using Disjoints

7.14. 14.DS- Example on connected components using Disjoint sets

8. 5.Pointer

8.1. Introduction to pointers.

8.2. An example program on pointers

8.3. Reassembly algorithm

8.4. Gate 2010 question

8.5. Pointers and functions.

8.6. Pointers and arrays

8.7. Pointer arithmetic or address arithmetic

8.8. Character arrays and pointer

8.9. Character arrays and pointerz

8.10. 2011 question on character array and pointers.

8.11. 2008 IT question on string constant

8.12. Array of pointers and Multidimensional arrays.

8.13. Multidimensional arrays, pointers and function calls.

8.14. Multidimensional arrays, pointers and function calls.

8.15. Pointers to functions

8.16. Some complex declarations.

9. 3.Flow Control

9.1. Control flow - if statement

9.2. Control flow- if else

9.3. Example of if-else Statement

9.4. Write a program to Check weather a given number is even or odd

9.5. check the largest number from given numbers

9.6. Switch statement

9.7. Write a program to make simple Calculator

9.8. While loop

9.9. Do-While.

9.10. For loop

9.11. Write a program to calculate the sum of natural numbers

9.12. Write a program to read input until user enter a positive integer.

9.13. Continue Statement

9.14. Break Statement

9.15. Write a program to check wheather given number is Prime or not

9.16. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.

9.17. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.

9.18. write a program to count number of digits in an integer

9.19. Write a program to check wheather given number is amstrong or not

9.20. Write a program to print the star pattern-

9.21. Write a program whether given number is palindrome or not.

9.22. write a c program to generate fibanacci sequencs

10. 4.Functions

10.1. Functions Introduction

10.2. Swaping two variables.

10.3. Write a custom c-function to implement pow() function

11. 6.Arrays

11.1. 1.DS- One Dimensional Arrays

11.2. 2.DS- Row Major and Column Major order in Two Dimensional Arrays

11.3. 3.DS- Binary addressing of Two Dimensional Arrays

11.4. 4.DS- Determine wheather two arrays a and b have an element in common

11.5. 5.DS- Gate 98 question

11.6. 6.DS- Gate 2004 question

12. 7.Strings

12.1. 1.DS- String operations

12.2. 2.DS- Write a c-program using strcpy()

12.3. 3.DS- Write a c-program using strcat()

12.4. 4.DS- Write a c-program using strcmp()

12.5. 5.DS- Write a c-program to count characters

12.6. 6.DS- Reverse string

12.7. 7.DS- i to a- Convert int n to characters in string S

12.8. 8.DS- a to i convert string s to integer n

12.9. 9.DS- Write a Output for the following program-1

12.10. 10.DS- Write a Output for the following program-2

12.11. 11.DS- Write a Output for the following program-3

12.12. 12.DS- Write a Output for the following program-4

12.13. 13.DS- Write a c program to remove all occurrences of all the character c from the string

13. 9.Structures

13.1. 1.DS- Introduction to structures

13.2. 2.DS- Example on structures, arrays and pointers

13.3. 3.DS- Self referential structures

13.4. 4.DS- Malloc

14. 10.Input and Output

14.1. 1.DS- Formatted output-printf

14.2. 2.DS- Formatted input-scanf

14.2.1. 8.Storage Classes 1.DS- Example on Storage Classes 2.DS- Example on static int 3.DS- Example on static int-2 4.DS- Example on a global variable 5.DS- storage management

14.3. 3.DS- count number of set bit in X

15. 11.File Input and Output

15.1. 1.DS- File handling in c

15.2. 2.DS- fseek(),ftell()

15.3. 3.DS- puts(),gets()

15.4. 4.DS- Relationship between putc(),getc(),putchar(),getchar()

15.5. 5.DS- File reading and writing by using putc() and getc()

15.6. 6.DS- write a c-program to read stream of characters

15.7. 7.DS- Write a c-program to count inputlines

15.8. 8.DS- Write a c-program by using fscanf(),fprintf()

16. 12.Recursion

16.1. 1.DS- Tracing the recursion

16.2. 2.DS- Analysing recursion

16.3. 3.DS- GATE 2001 question on recursion

16.4. 4.DS- GATE 2004 question on recursion

16.5. 5.DS- GATE 2005 question on recursion

16.6. 6.DS- GATE 2010 question on recursion

16.7. 7.DS- Towers of Hanoi

16.8. 8.DS- Analysing the recursion program of Towers of Hanoi

17. 13.Linked List

17.1. 1.DS- Introduction to Sigle linked list

17.2. 2.DS- Traversing a single linked list

17.3. 3.DS- Inserting an element in SLL

17.4. 4.DS- Deleting a node from SLL

17.5. 5.DS- 2008 Gate question on rearranging an SLL

17.6. 6.DS- 2010 question on moving a last node to the front of a list

17.7. 7.DS- Printing the elements of SLL using recursion

17.8. 8.DS- Reversing an SLL using iterative program

17.9. 9.DS- Recursive program for reversing an SLL

17.10. 10.DS- Gate 2002 and 2004 questions

17.11. 11.DS- Circular linked list

17.12. 12.DS- 2003 question on checking if the list is in non decreasing order

17.13. 13.DS- Insertion into doubly linked list