
Track and organize your meetings within your company

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Эмоции создатель Mind Map: Эмоции

1. интерес

1.1. Priority Importance indicators

1.1.1. High Priority

1.1.2. Medium Priority

1.1.3. Low Priority

1.2. Task Completion indicators

1.2.1. Not Started

1.2.2. 25% complete

1.2.3. 50% complete

1.2.4. 75% complete

1.2.5. Done

1.3. Flags and Icons

1.3.1. Flags

1.3.2. Icons

2. гнев

2.1. Action Item 1

2.2. Action Item 2

3. восхищение

4. обида

5. апатия

6. жалость

7. обвинение

8. тревога

8.1. John Demo

8.2. Jane Demo

8.3. Johnny Appleseed

9. Радость

9.1. интерес

9.2. удовлетворение

9.2.1. комфорт

10. страх

10.1. Position as market leader

10.2. Convert incoming traffic

10.3. Provide better client interaction