To do

Stuff that I need to do

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To do создатель Mind Map: To do

1. Licenses

1.1. Visual Studio 2008?

1.1.1. Current license information is being looked into by Farrukh

1.2. PhotoShop

1.2.1. 2 licenses Matt / George Patricia

1.2.2. Requirement for developers to use it Shared license 1 license each

1.3. Virus Scan 8.5

1.4. RedGate

1.5. Dev. server certificate

2. Time line for stats completion.

2.1. Milestone 1 to be released on Nov 26th

2.2. Phase 2?

2.2.1. What will phase 2 contain?

3. Security audit

4. ASP.Net

4.1. Identify projects for development

4.2. Sort out training for myself and the guys

4.3. Current issues

4.3.1. User management Distributed editing

4.3.2. One version rather than multiple

4.4. Visual Studio 2005 / .Net 2.0 - 3.0

4.5. Visual Studio 2008 / .Net 3.5

5. Personal

5.1. Holiday

5.2. Visa to stay here

5.3. Employment stuff

5.3.1. Passport

5.3.2. P45

5.3.3. National insurance number

5.3.4. Address

5.3.5. Account numbers

6. Applications

6.1. Card

6.2. CRMS

6.3. EB

6.4. Tax allocation model