
Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Goals создатель Mind Map: Goals

1. Become a Peer Counselor

1.1. Find out requirements

1.1.1. Apply to become a peer counselor

1.2. Set aside time for counseling

1.2.1. Find best time for me to counsel others

2. Get an A in all my classes

2.1. Schedule my time effectively

2.1.1. Use my planner

2.2. Do my homework on time

2.2.1. Set aside time to do homework every day

2.3. Study more often

3. Find out how to use my stipend

3.1. Find out requirements for stipend

3.1.1. Talk to person in charge of stipends

3.2. Pick something I really want to do

3.2.1. Brainstorm ideas

4. Start a club

4.1. Get the club officially sponsored by Temple

4.1.1. Find a theme for the club

4.1.2. Find 10 other people who will join

4.1.3. Find time once a week or so to meet

5. Set up my cable

5.1. Buy a longer cord

5.2. Hook everything up

5.2.1. Find correct way to set everything up

5.3. Call Comcast to activate cable

5.3.1. Take a picture of the instructions in the lobby