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Inventing the University создатель Mind Map: Inventing the University

1. Problems

1.1. Students...

1.1.1. do not know how to empathize for their audience.

1.1.2. have never written for someone who is outside of their discourse Pat Bizzel

1.2. The Board of Education...

1.2.1. assigns students to always write for those unfamiliar with the topic. "Explain baseball to a Martian"

1.2.2. categorize writing levels by the number of errors Assumes statement as common knowledge for his discourse.

2. Solution

2.1. Students must write as if they are writing to their professor in college

2.2. The board needs not to rank the writers by simply syntax and vocabulary errors, but by how well they write in the selected discourse.

2.3. The conventions of the specific discourse being written to must be addressed to the students.

3. Author's Opinion

3.1. Basic Writers

3.1.1. do not know how to write for an audience knowing the topic better "Clay Model" Essay

3.2. Advanced Writers

3.2.1. Write nearly as well as the audience knowing about the topic Idea from Flowers

3.3. Better essays do not necessarily equal lack of errors.

3.3.1. "Clay Model" essay Written for the audience in a manner outside his boundaries and a discourse that is not familiar. Considered the best of selected essays

3.3.2. "Football" essay It is very simple, tidy, and tight. It sounds more like a conquest rather than academic conclusion. Very few grammatical errors.

3.3.3. "Music" essay Very complex argument. Student not quite ready to conquer complexity. Syntax errors.

3.3.4. "Jazz" essay Writing shows connection between him and the commonplace, something most basic writer's essays lack. Idea of creativity could be argued; foundation unstable.