My Teaching Philosophy

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My Teaching Philosophy создатель Mind Map: My Teaching Philosophy

1. Strategies for facilitating

1.1. Scaffolding

1.1.1. Guided Learning

1.2. Positive reinforcement

1.3. Build upon 21 Century Skill set

2. Lessons from the Professors of the Year

2.1. Gameified Lessons

2.2. Creating Class Unity/Cohesion

2.3. MKO-Scaffold (or pair) confident and timid students

3. Importance of having a philosophy

3.1. A Grounding device

3.2. Something to strive for

3.3. Anchor for our beliefs

3.4. Stake in the ground

3.5. Constantly Evolving

3.5.1. If my philosophy is the same after one or two years, I will have failed...

4. Historic Philosophies

4.1. Sociocultural Perspective

4.1.1. Vygotsky and Scaffolding and MKO

4.1.2. Historical and social contexts of the material and the students studying the material taken into consideration

4.2. Behaviorism

5. Principals and Core Beliefs

5.1. Focus on adult learners between 30 - 50 years of age

5.1.1. This is shouldn't be thought of as 3rd Age or Lifelong, as this demographic will remain employed requiring new skills in a new technological realm Shinagel, M. (2012). Demographics and Lifelong Learning Institutes in the 21st Century. Continuing Higher Education Review, 7620-29.

5.2. Spark learner enthusiasm

5.2.1. Will require an integrated approach to lesson planning

5.2.2. Creativity

5.2.3. 21st Century Skill set