EDCT 2030 Presentation Project

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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EDCT 2030 Presentation Project создатель Mind Map: EDCT 2030 Presentation Project

1. Stakeholders

1.1. Gavin Speelman

1.2. Lanie McCune

2. Notes

3. Project Information

3.1. Own experiences

3.2. Websites

3.3. Videos

3.3.1. YouTube/Actual site

4. Actions

4.1. Plan

4.2. Research

4.3. Develop

5. Schedule

5.1. Concept Mapping

5.1.1. What is it?

5.1.2. How is it used in education?

5.1.3. How can we present it to class?

5.2. What kind of Presentation?

5.2.1. PowerPoint or Google Presentation?

6. Timeline

6.1. Meet on November 20th, 2013

6.2. 5:00p.m. - TBA

6.3. Alden Library, 2nd Floor

6.4. Plan date/time for next meeting