Post-Secondary Options

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Post-Secondary Options создатель Mind Map: Post-Secondary Options

1. 4 year college

1.1. University

1.2. Private

1.3. Public

1.4. tuition

1.5. Room and Board

2. 2 year college

2.1. Technical Institute

3. Junior College

3.1. Private

4. Private v.s. Public

4.1. Private and Independent colleges and universities offer a wide range of degrees and certificates.

5. Masters Degree

5.1. University

6. Bachelors Degree

6.1. University

7. Journalism

7.1. 4 year college

8. Associates Degree

8.1. 2 year

8.2. Associates of Arts (AA)

8.3. Associates of Sciences (AS)

8.4. Associates of Applied Science (AAS)