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WW2 in South Shields создатель Mind Map: WW2 in South Shields

1. Observation Phase

1.1. Photos

1.2. Visit local area

1.2.1. Why are some buildings older than others?

1.3. Padlet to share and comment on ideas

1.4. Google Docs / Mindmeister to share mind maps

2. Research

2.1. Internet

2.2. watch youtube

2.3. look at local plans

2.4. interview relatives

3. Countries

3.1. Google maps for local damage

3.2. produce maps showing actions in local area

4. Presentation

4.1. Augmented reality

4.2. video manipulation

4.3. QR codes

4.4. news show

4.5. website

4.5.1. embed

4.5.2. allow local comments