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Conflict Styles создатель Mind Map: Conflict Styles

1. Competing

1.1. Assertive - High emphasis placed on achieving personal goals. Tends to be forceful and likes to win.

2. Collaborating

2.1. Assertive and Cooperative - High emphasis placed on both achieving personal goals and preserving relationships. Looks for solutions that achieve goals while resolving any negative feelings.

3. Compromising

3.1. Mixture of Assertive and Cooperative - Medium emphasis placed on both achieving personal goals and preserving relationships. Flexible when seeking solutions.

4. Accomodating

4.1. Cooperative - High emphasis placed on preserving relationships. Willing to set aside goals to achieve harmony.

5. Avoiding

5.1. Neither Assertive nor Cooperative - Low emphasis placed on both achieving personal goals and preserving relationships. Tends to withdraw from issues that generate conflict.