The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal

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The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal создатель Mind Map: The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal

1. Reasons of smoking

1.1. Addiction

1.1.1. Nicotine

1.2. Relaxing

1.3. Reduce stress

1.4. Sign of coolness

1.4.1. Peer pressure

2. Cigarettes' bad effects

2.1. Harmful to health

2.1.1. Cause various diseases

2.1.2. Lower living age

2.1.3. Can be lethal

2.2. Addictive

2.2.1. Lower people's productivity

2.3. Harm also others

2.3.1. Second hand smoke

2.4. Costly

2.4.1. Medical treatment Government funds

2.4.2. Constant expense on buying cigarettes

2.5. Air pollution

2.5.1. Carbon dioxide released

3. Reasons not to make cigarettes illegal

3.1. Workers of tobacco industries will lose their jobs

3.2. An important tax income

3.3. People should have freedom to smoke

4. Reasons to ban cigarettes

4.1. Protect people's health

4.2. Help smokers to overcome addiction

4.3. Protect the environment

4.3.1. Scarce resources consumed to make cigarettes

4.3.2. Greenhouse gases released during transportation and manufacture