Stages of Spelling Development

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Stages of Spelling Development создатель Mind Map: Stages of Spelling Development

1. In this stage, children learn more complex consonant patterns.

1.1. They also start to learn about and acquire Diphthongs and other less common vowel patterns.

2. Stage 1: Emergent Spelling

2.1. This stage is typical of children between the ages of 3 to 5.

2.1.1. At this stage, children learn to distinguish between drawings and writings. At this stage, children also first learn how to make letters and what direction a page goes in. Towards the end of this stage, children start to discover some letter - sound matches.

3. Stage 2: Letter Name-Alphabetic Spelling

3.1. Children in this stage are most often between the ages of 5 to 7.

3.1.1. Children in this stage start to develop an understanding of the alphabetic principal, and start to link the sounds between words and letters. They also start to develop an understanding of sounds, such as Consonant and Short Vowel. By the end of this stage, they start to use consonant blends, digraphs. and short vowels to spell words.

4. Stage 3: Within-Word Pattern Spelling

4.1. Students at this stage are usually between the ages of 7 to 9 years of age.

4.1.1. Students at this stage start to experiment with long vowel patterns and r-controlled vowels.

5. Stage 4: Syllables and Affixes of Spelling

5.1. Children in this age of spelling development are between the ages of 9 to 11 years of age.

5.1.1. In this stage, students apply what they learned about one-syllable words to spell longer words, and how to break words down into syllables. They also learn how to add inflectional endings to words. Students at this age also start to learn about and even acquire Syllabication and Homophones.

6. Stage 5: Derivational Relational Spelling

6.1. Students at this stage are typically between the ages of 11 to 14.

6.1.1. They explore the differences between consonant and vowel alternations. They also start to learn about the Latin and Greek root words and derivational affixes. They also start to learn and acquire the concept of Etymologies.

7. Stage 1: Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Identification

7.1. Start introducing the child to different types of print to develop and plan the seeds of interest.

7.1.1. Use LEA and teacher / student modeling. Hold up and introduce different letter names and forms. Discuss and model directional and spelling using books, paper, and white boards with markers.

8. Stage 2: Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Identification

8.1. Read books to children daily. Model for them how to write words representing sounds in the order they hear them.

8.1.1. Do LEA, and allow the child to ask for help with spelling. Brain storm words (and the spellings of words) to create word banks for the child to use. Display words frequently used in writing, and encourage the children to look at what other classmates are writing.

9. Stage 3: Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Identification

9.1. Expose children to word families, spelling patterns, word structure. Continue to model to students using paper how to write.

9.1.1. Teach students how to study a word. Develop awareness of correct spelling, emphasizing visual features of words. Continue to read to the child daily at home and in school.

10. Stage 4: Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Identification

10.1. Teach how to divide words into syllables / rules fir inflectional endings. Also teach schwa sound / spelling patterns.

10.1.1. Teach homophones, contractions, compound words, possessives Work with the students to make words using letter cards. Teach, model, and instill different proofreading skills.

11. Stage 5: Strategies for Teaching Phonics and Word Identification

11.1. Continue to teach the students Teach root words / derivational affixes.

11.1.1. Teach students to identify words in English, Latin, and Greek spellings. Have the students sort words according to roots or language of origin using word cards. Have students check etymologies of words in dictionary