The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane By:Kate Decamilo

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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane By:Kate Decamilo создатель Mind Map: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane By:Kate Decamilo

1. Edward

1.1. he thinks highly of himself

1.2. does not have that many feelings

1.3. He is going to another child

1.4. he is starting to listen to Nelly

1.5. he likes looking at the star

1.6. Ever since Lolly came he has been ignored

1.7. he understands the story that was actually referred him pg83

1.8. all the people treat him like a human

1.9. he feels Helpless because when someone came and told Bull that they couldn't sleep there so hat is why he feels like that. pg104

1.10. he wishes he could cry

1.11. his use with the women was going to be a scarecrow

1.12. he is going to say good-bye at last

1.13. He does not want to be bought by any one

1.13.1. he has been loved so that is why he doesn't care

2. character changes

2.1. he had felt fear

2.2. he had felt greatful to be alive

2.3. he had never listened to Abeline

2.4. his heart is speaking to him for the first time/

2.4.1. His heart is giving him a message

2.5. he was happy that he was out of the garbage dump

2.6. pleasure

2.7. for the first time hasn't been treated like a human

2.8. he likes to be held by Sarah Ruth

2.9. "i have learned how to love and it is a terrible thing I'm broken. My heart is broken" pg149

3. The Tulane family

3.1. Abeline

3.2. Pellegrina

3.2.1. she had said You disappoint me to edward

3.3. Mom and Dad

4. Stars

4.1. This object keeps coming up

4.2. on the ship,garbage dump

4.3. When Edward lived with the hobo he saw the stars

4.4. Lawrence has shown Edward him the constilations

4.5. For the first time ever he did not feel comfort

4.6. WINGS

4.6.1. he wanted to fly

5. Nelly and Lawrence

5.1. she has changed Edward's name

5.2. she is singing to Edward

5.3. They have a daughter named Lolly

6. Lolly

6.1. she is nasty

6.2. she seems jealous

7. Bull and his dog Lucy

7.1. are referring Edward as Malone

7.2. They understand him

7.3. They treat him with trust

8. Caring

8.1. every person that has found him has a special reason to love him

8.2. he does not want to be alone

8.3. he wants to help Sarah Ruth because she is sick

9. Names

9.1. Clyde

9.2. Malone

9.3. Susanna

9.4. Jangles

10. Bryce

10.1. he is willing to help Edward

10.1.1. helped him not to be a scarecrow

10.2. he has a sister named Sarah Ruth

10.2.1. she is sick

10.3. they are poor

10.4. he is very considerate and he takes care of his little sister

10.5. father seems abusive

11. Sarah Ruth

11.1. she is sick

11.2. She loved Edward [Jangles]

12. Lucius Clark

12.1. he is a doll mender

12.2. How did he find Edward

12.2.1. he was given by Bryce