Project Strategy Review of your Web Communication Project

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Project Strategy Review of your Web Communication Project создатель Mind Map: Project Strategy Review of your Web Communication Project

1. Busine$$

1.1. Create information-products

1.1.1. Out of live classes

1.1.2. Taping live classes

1.2. Scalable

2. Build Community of Fans

2.1. Platforms

2.1.1. Forum

2.1.2. Newsletter not good with content of the web site you must say something new requires competence and resources Aweber Getresponse

2.1.3. via Facebook

2.1.4. Twitter good for updating them

2.1.5. Wiki editable documents and lists discussions and group topics

2.1.6. Private social networking platform

2.2. Communication strategy

2.2.1. Surveys

2.2.2. Polls you get the results of the survey before anyone else

2.2.3. Live events

2.2.4. Contest

2.2.5. Chat

2.3. Make them feel part of the community

2.3.1. merchandising

3. Subscribe RSS feed

4. Definition

4.1. Identify your niche

4.1.1. keyword analysis

4.1.2. competitor analysis

4.1.3. who is your target audience

4.1.4. personas

4.2. Site Architecture

4.2.1. making clear what the site is about

4.2.2. navigation

4.2.3. content organization

4.2.4. labelling

4.2.5. content components

4.2.6. site personalization

4.2.7. architecture and content have to reinforce each other

5. Create Value

5.1. Editorial strategy

5.2. Gather feedback from audience

5.3. Curate your assets!

5.4. Guides

5.5. Compilations

5.6. Exhaustive Directories

5.7. Lists of useful resources - up-to-date

5.8. Interactive courses

5.8.1. Vcasmo

5.8.2. Diginnovation

5.8.3. Interactive Flash tutorials

5.9. free PDF

5.10. webinars