Goblin the Grim Reaper

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Goblin the Grim Reaper создатель Mind Map: Goblin the Grim Reaper

1. Son of Vegas and Saint

1.1. Thorsen

1.1.1. Inferno

1.2. Whisper

1.2.1. Camotose

1.3. Goblin

1.3.1. Sky

2. Half brother of Arizona

2.1. Vegas and Toronto

3. Was the Captain of the Royal Army

3.1. Becomes friends with Sakia

3.2. Falls in love with Sakia

3.3. Has one foal with her- Sky

4. Goes insane when Sakia is married to Nightsong

4.1. Sells his soul to Hades

4.2. Goes on a killing spree

4.3. Gets the nickname The Grim Reaper

5. Vegas is enemies with Sakia

5.1. Saves Amazon from being sacrificed to Hades

5.2. Despices Sakia's madness, despite the fact that she's mad

6. Nightsong kills Sakia

6.1. Goblin kills Nightsong

7. Sakia and Goblin meet again