Students will understand plants have structures that serve different functions in growth, survi...

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Students will understand plants have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction создатель Mind Map: Students will understand  plants have structures that serve different functions in  growth, survival, and reproduction

1. how do plant structures serve different functions in survival.

2. Students will explain how plant structures serve in the reproduction.

3. Plants are Living Things science/living/06_act.shtml Interactive online activity on plants

4. Activity will enforce the kid’s understanding of a plant’s life cycle.

5. what are plant structures.

6. Students will which plant structure serves the functions in growth.


8. Journey to the Center of a Seed Students observe, sort, and classify a variety of seeds according to different properties, and then take a journey inside a bean seed to predict and observe changes that occur during seed germination.

9. lessons.cfm?BenchmarkID=5&DocID=343 A lesson plan with activities to encourage students to observe and document similarities and differences between parts of plants.