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Cyberbullying создатель Mind Map: Cyberbullying

1. There are reported cases of cyberbullying involving email, VLE's, chat rooms, websites, social networking, mobile and land line, digital cameras, games and virtual world sites.

2. Preventing Cyber Bullying

2.1. Newsround childrens report

2.2. Whole school/ community approach

2.3. Explaining and discussing with children what cyber bullying is

2.4. Policies and Practises

2.5. Promoting positive use of technology

2.6. Bebo to introduce new panic button?

3. Kent Grid for Learning

3.1. Define Cyber-bullying as: bullying by electronic contact – via text message, email, or instant messaging

3.2. http://www.kenttrustweb.org.uk/kcn/e-safety_cyberbullying.cfm

4. Definitions of Cyberbullying

4.1. Cyberbulling may consist of threats, harrassment, embarrassment, humliation, defamation or impersonation. Cyberbulling may take the form of general insult or prejudiced based bulliying for example homophobic, sexist racist, or other forms of discrimination.

4.2. Defintion of Cyberbullying

5. Pupils

5.1. Effects of cyberbullying

5.1.1. commited sucide

5.1.2. mental health

5.1.3. self harming

5.1.4. food related problems

5.1.5. psychological effects for family memebers

6. Cyberbulling.org

6.1. http://www.cyberbullying.org/

7. Resources

7.1. Anti cyber bullying week. Assembly on cyber bullying

7.2. PSHE

7.3. SEAL topics

7.3.1. 'Getting on and falling out'

7.4. http://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/

7.5. Bully proof your child

7.6. Resources to help kids

8. BBC - Link to an article

8.1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/8359780.stm

9. Teachers

9.1. Cyberbullying teachers

9.1.1. Can cause tachers to leave.

9.2. http://publications.teachernet.gov.uk/eOrderingDownload/cyberbullying-staff.pdf

9.3. 14 year old boy arrested after 'blackmailing' headmistress

9.4. http://www.ratemyteachers.com/

9.5. “I rang a parent with my mobile over a normal school matter. My mobile number was passed around and got into the hands of some teenagers who sent abusive messages.”

10. Cyberbullying cases

10.1. Sister of cyber bullying victims speaks about her sisters death

10.2. Star wars Kid

10.2.1. Wikipedia page on him

10.3. Suicide teen

10.3.1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8127533.stm

11. East Sussex

11.1. http://www.lgfl.net/lgfl/sections/safety/esafety/documents/cyber.pdf

12. Stats

12.1. http://teachersupport.info/news/in-the-press/Cyberbullies-in-the-news.php

12.2. One in three children have experiences Cyberbullying

12.3. Cyberbullying the most common form of bullying according to recent STATS

12.4. Cyberbullying effects more girls than boys.

12.5. Studys show that victims tend to have lower GCSE scores

13. Forms of cyberbulling (Direct Gov)

13.1. Email

13.2. Instant Messaging

13.3. Chat rooms

13.4. Social Networking sites

13.4.1. Facebook

13.4.2. Bebo

13.4.3. My Space

13.4.4. Twitter

13.5. Mobile Phones

13.6. Interactive Gaming

13.7. Sending Viruses

13.8. Abusing Personal Inforamtion

14. The Law

14.1. • The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 • The Malicious Communications Act 1988, • Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 • Public Order Act 1986 • The Defamation Acts of 1952 and 1996

15. Teachernet

15.1. Provide Information and resources relating to cyberbulling

16. Anti - bullying capaigns

16.1. TV advert conscided to shocking and banned

17. New node

18. STOP Cyber bullying

18.1. http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/index2.html