Energy Resources: How can we avoid energy shortages?

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Energy Resources: How can we avoid energy shortages? создатель Mind Map: Energy Resources: How can we avoid energy shortages?

1. Use electronic power strip for electrical appliances

2. Turn switches off when not in use

3. Unplug chargers when not in use

4. Reduce energy for water heating

4.1. Make sure water heater is set to no higher than 120 degrees.

4.2. Install low-flow showerheads or temperature-sensitive shower valves

4.3. Wrap a water heater jacket around an old water heater

5. Consult a home performance contractor

5.1. Able to measure home energy efficiency

6. Use sunlight to your advantage

6.1. Use light-colored window shades or blinds to reflect heat back outside, keeping your home cooler and more efficient

6.2. Use natural lighting to reduce need for artificial lighting

7. Use energy-efficient appliances

7.1. E.g. ENERGY STAR lightbulbs

7.2. They use 10-15 percent less energy and water than standard models

8. Maintain your heating and cooling system

8.1. Ensure proper air-flow to each room

8.2. Clean the air filters in your heating and cooling system reqularly

8.3. Replace air filters regularly

9. Install and set a programmable thermostat