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Definitions 1 создатель Mind Map: Definitions 1

1. Bonuses

1.1. a lump sum of money added as a reward to an employee toward an extra-ordinary achievement

1.1.1. Google

2. Creative

2.1. use imagination or original idea to create something

2.1.1. Google

3. Hygiene Factors

3.1. certain factors in workplace that cause job satisfaction

3.1.1. Google

4. Incentives

4.1. rewards that motivates an individual to do something

4.1.1. Google

5. Labour Relations

6. Potential

6.1. having the capabilities to do something in the future

6.1.1. Google

7. Psychological

7.1. idea in mind

7.1.1. Google

8. Remuneration

8.1. money paid for service

8.1.1. Google

9. Repetitive

9.1. characterized by repetition

9.1.1. Google

10. Responsibility

10.1. a duty to do something or control someone

10.1.1. Google

11. Rewarded

11.1. Recognition

11.1.1. Google

12. Satisfaction

12.1. Content

12.1.1. Google

13. Satisfiers

13.1. making people content

13.1.1. Google

14. Self-actualization

14.1. realization of individual potentials

14.1.1. Google

15. ambitious

15.1. To have a strong desire towards success

15.1.1. Google

16. Achievements

16.1. A thing that was done successfully and obtained

16.1.1. Google

17. Challenging

17.1. testing someone's ability

17.1.1. Google

18. Corporate Culture

18.1. behavior of people in an organization

18.1.1. Google

19. Esteem

19.1. respect and admire

19.1.1. Google

20. Fear

20.1. afraid of something painful or dangerous

20.1.1. Google

21. Hierarchy

21.1. a system in which members of the organization are ranked based on authority

21.1.1. Google

22. Motivation

22.1. a set of facts or reasons in doing something

22.1.1. Google

23. Motivators Pension

24. Perks

24.1. become more cheerful

24.1.1. Google

25. Pessimistic

25.1. believe the worst thing will happen

25.1.1. Google

26. Physiological

26.1. biological study

26.1.1. Google

27. Self-motivated

27.1. Motivated to accomplish something by their own without others encouragements

27.1.1. Google

28. Theories

28.1. set of ideas to explain something

28.1.1. Google

29. Threatened

29.1. endanger

29.1.1. Google

30. Wages

30.1. A fixed payment paid to individual who did a service

30.1.1. Google

31. Working Relations