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July Campaigns создатель Mind Map: July Campaigns

1. Put Bedwetting to Bed

1.1. Think and Feel

1.1.1. They think that they are unable to have alone/intimate time with their loved one because their child might wet the bed and wake up

1.1.2. They feel embarrassment for their child

1.1.3. They feel frustrated that this keeps on happening.

1.2. See

1.2.1. They see other families who do not have this problem

1.2.2. They see their marriage suffering

1.2.3. They see their child struggling

1.3. Hear

1.3.1. They hear their child crying in bed

1.3.2. They hear their spouse yelling at them out of frustration

1.3.3. They hear about other families who do not have this problem

1.4. Say & Do

1.4.1. They purchase gimmicks and books to help with the situation

1.4.2. "I am so angry at little Johnny"

1.4.3. They begin to resent their child

1.5. Pains

1.5.1. Guilt for how they are treating their child

1.5.2. Upset because their child is struggling

1.5.3. Relationship is less than ideal

1.5.4. Tired because of lack of sleep.

1.6. Gains

1.6.1. Gain access to a solution

1.6.2. Meet other families in a similar position

1.6.3. Child's self esteem begins to grow and expand.

2. Free At Last

2.1. Think and Feel

2.1.1. They feel like their relationship is suffering since having children

2.1.2. They think that they have not had a date night in far too long

2.1.3. They feel the need to do something different for a night

2.2. See

2.2.1. They see nice restaurants in the community that they have never gone to before

2.2.2. They see friends with an active love relationship

2.2.3. They see couples getting divorced because they don't spend time together

2.3. Hear

2.3.1. They hear cheering at their kids soccer game because that is all they do

2.3.2. They hear theyr kids arguing with one another

2.3.3. They hear fighting in their home with their loved ones.

2.4. Say & Do

2.4.1. "We will spend time together when the kids go to college"

2.4.2. "You pick of Johnny from baseball and I will get Hayley from dance."

2.4.3. "I am just too tired to be with you tonight"

2.5. Pains

2.5.1. Lack of intimacy

2.5.2. No time for one another

2.5.3. Bored

2.6. Gains

2.6.1. Alone time

2.6.2. Fuel the love fire

2.6.3. Kids will enjoy the time with other kids while learning about health

3. Hoohiwahiwa

3.1. Think and Feel

3.1.1. They feel that they have not taken a vacation in a long time

3.1.2. They feel like they don't have like minded friends

3.1.3. They are thinking about fun activities

3.2. See

3.2.1. They see other families taking luxurious vacations

3.2.2. They see their computer all day and everyday

3.2.3. They see an anxious person in the mirror who is looking to have a good time

3.3. Hear

3.3.1. They hear people at work complaining about their life

3.3.2. They hear about people who have an active social life

3.3.3. They hear about people who make changes in their life and how this impacts their health

3.4. Say & Do

3.4.1. "I want some time to myself"

3.4.2. "I want to take a vacation"

3.4.3. "I want to do something fun"

3.4.4. "I want to get healthy"

3.5. Pains

3.5.1. Bored

3.5.2. Angry because they have not done anything fun in a long time

3.5.3. Alone because they can't find like-minded people

3.6. Gains

3.6.1. Meet local community members

3.6.2. Learn about strategies to get healthy

3.6.3. Have fun!!!!

4. Happy 2014.5

4.1. Think and Feel

4.1.1. I think I have not accomplished any of my goals

4.1.2. I feel like a complete failure

4.1.3. I think I have actually digressed

4.2. Hear

4.2.1. I hear that it is normal to quit on your goals after January

4.2.2. I hear about people making more money, losing weight, etc. and I have done nothing

4.2.3. I hear that my spouse is disappointed with me

4.3. Say & Do

4.3.1. "I don't know how to follow through"

4.3.2. "I am fat"

4.3.3. Hit the snooze button

4.3.4. "I don't know where to begin"

4.4. See

4.4.1. I see a charge on my CC for the gym for the past 6 months

4.4.2. I see my weight has increased

4.4.3. I see a list of goals that have not been touched

4.5. Pains

4.5.1. Depressed because they "failed" again

4.5.2. Overweight

4.5.3. Unaccomplished

4.5.4. Lazy

4.6. Gains

4.6.1. Inspiration

4.6.2. Kick in the butt

4.6.3. Proven strategy

5. Red, White, and Blue Chiropractic is For You!

5.1. Think and Feel

5.1.1. Think that chiropractic is not for me

5.1.2. Think of dozens of people who would be perfect for the office

5.1.3. Feel pain because many people in their life are suffering the same way they did prior to coming to your office

5.2. See

5.2.1. They see people in their life who are suffering

5.2.2. They see people taking a TON of pharm drugs

5.2.3. They see people who go to a chiropractor and are enjoying life

5.3. Hear

5.3.1. They hear that chiropractic does not work

5.3.2. They hear that it will take a long time to get healthy

5.3.3. They hear that there is always a pill that will make them feel better

5.3.4. They hear that they will get the flu without a flu shot

5.3.5. They hear that you only need a chiropractor if you are in pain

5.3.6. They hear about the health insurance crisis

5.3.7. They hear chiropractic is not for children because it is dangerous

5.4. Say & Do

5.4.1. “I will live with my chronic pain.”

5.4.2. “Chiropractic does not work”

5.4.3. “When you start with a chiropractor you will go forever”

5.4.4. “I wish my husband/wife would take better care of themselves”

5.4.5. “I can’t afford a year of care”

5.4.6. “My doctor said that I should stop seeing my chiropractor”

5.5. Pains

5.5.1. They are in pain because they are a victim to their health condition

5.5.2. They worry about the health of their children and their entire family

5.5.3. They worry about their finances

5.5.4. Their job creates enormous pains

5.5.5. They have no time for the things they enjoy

5.5.6. They are not accepted because they chose the wellness lifestyle and did not vaccinate their children

5.6. Gains

5.6.1. They get out of pain

5.6.2. Their children will grow up without the typical medical journey that most parents experience

5.6.3. They will have more energy and a clear frame of mind

5.6.4. They will experience more out of life

5.6.5. They will improve their self esteem

5.6.6. They will avoid lifestyle diseases

6. Trail Mixer

6.1. Think and Feel

6.1.1. They feel bored and are always thinking about fun activities to do outsie

6.1.2. They feel like they don't have like minded friends

6.1.3. They feel like like they need to get some motion in their lives

6.2. See

6.2.1. They see people doing things outside

6.2.2. They see their computer all day and everyday

6.2.3. They see an anxious person in the mirror who is looking to have a good time

6.3. Hear

6.3.1. They hear people at work complaining about their life

6.3.2. They hear about people who have an active social life

6.3.3. They hear about people who make changes in their life and how this impacts their health

6.4. Say & Do

6.4.1. "I want some time to myself"

6.4.2. "I want to exercise"

6.4.3. "I want to do something fun"

6.4.4. "I want to get healthy"

6.5. Pains

6.5.1. Bored

6.5.2. Angry because they have not done anything fun in a long time

6.5.3. Alone because they can't find like-minded people

6.6. Gains

6.6.1. Meet local community members

6.6.2. Learn about strategies to get healthy

6.6.3. Have fun!!!!