George Wilson

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George Wilson создатель Mind Map: George Wilson

1. Strengths

1.1. George can easily make friends.

1.2. George is very social and outgoing.

1.3. George excels at chess and is involved in working with young children.

1.4. HS sports team manager

1.5. Participates in Special Olympics

2. Challenges

2.1. Articulation and Fluency

2.2. Organization

2.3. Remembering Processes

2.4. Reading Comprehension

3. Attributes of CD

3.1. Distortion of sounds

3.2. Leaving out sounds

3.3. Difficult to understand

3.4. Poor articulation and fluency

3.5. Dysfluent in conversational speech

4. George will follow seven steps to open a combination lock.

5. George will have correct mouth formation for blends and slider vowels.

6. George will score 80% on grade-level math problems involving the four functions.

7. IEP Goals

7.1. Math

7.2. Motor Planning

7.3. Speech