Series of problems, at the crossroad of research, pedagogy and teacher training ESU 7 15.7.2014

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Series of problems, at the crossroad of research, pedagogy and teacher training ESU 7 15.7.2014 создатель Mind Map: Series of problems, at the crossroad of research, pedagogy and teacher training ESU 7 15.7.2014

1. 1st Publication of the group

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Contents

1.3. Coordination

1.4. Opportunities for Collaborative practice

2. Associated Workshop

2.1. Aims

2.2. Organisation

2.2.1. Principle

2.2.2. Defining a project reflections on teaching series of problems as cultural, historical, literary objects: an interdisciplinary perspective reflections on the ways to construct a teaching process based on problems: reflections inspired by the examples seen on the training session construction of teaching scenarios based on series of problems experimenting such scenarios etc.

2.2.3. Examples

2.2.4. Two stages calendar

2.2.5. Possibility to invite speakers

2.3. International collaboration?

2.3.1. Incentives

2.3.2. First locales Patrimonial reasons Transnational and trans-cultural reasons

2.3.3. Organization Working procedure Language

3. The project of a collaborative "sourcebook" on series of problems 2014-2016?

3.1. A previous model

3.2. Reading seminar

3.3. Edition of a source book

3.4. Two layers of commentaries

3.4.1. history / epistemology

3.4.2. Education research

4. Associated training session

4.1. Generic title

4.2. Mixed Audience

4.3. Involved institutions

4.3.1. labex HASTEC

4.3.2. IREM de Paris

4.3.3. ESPE de Créteil

4.3.4. Rectorat de Créteil

4.4. Lenght, format

4.5. A progressive framework

4.5.1. intervention en FC "invisibles" pour l'université

4.5.2. La tendance est aux formations continues "hybrides"

4.5.3. une invitation à repenser les rapports FI/FC

4.6. Working supports

4.7. An agenda made up of questions

4.8. Preparation

5. The "series of problems" Research Project 2011-14

5.1. Generic object

5.2. Examples

5.3. Many Research Fields involved

5.3.1. Core institution: HASTEC

5.4. Research incentives

5.5. The crossroad of cultures

5.5.1. General aim

5.5.2. interdisciplinarity

6. Future publications (incl. editions) and seminars