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Mustard Scenarios создатель Mind Map: Mustard Scenarios

1. Scenarios

1.1. Find hostile SM

1.1.1. In patrol area

1.2. Escort HVU

1.3. Sanitise area in advance of HVU

1.4. Trail SM to find support vessel

1.5. Barrier search for transiter

1.6. Avoid mined area (no-go for all)

1.7. Avoid mined area (no-go for us)

1.8. Avoid shallow waters (no-go for him)

1.9. Search series of boxes for target

1.10. Only shoot target when out of weapons exclusion zone

1.11. Prevent SM getting to location

1.12. Get past SM to do humanitarian rescue

1.13. Get past patrolling SM

2. Plots?

2.1. Escalating conflict ("RED" as NME)

2.2. Have several set areas (battlefields) with differing constraints (surface minefield, islands?)

2.2.1. Would look nice on map

2.3. SKIM OVER PLOT - doesn't aid training

3. Sequence

3.1. 1. On board training

3.1.1. Self Noise vs Tgt Noise

3.1.2. Ambiguous bearings

3.1.3. Noise lobes

3.1.4. Target Speed Change

3.1.5. Array Steady time ?

3.2. 2. Full command

3.2.1. Changing course /speed

3.2.2. Speed vs Detection Range

3.2.3. Target course perpendicular to bearing at CPA

3.2.4. Bow nulls

3.3. 3. Advance to contact

3.3.1. Qualify with TMA

3.3.2. Straight Target tracking

3.3.3. Complex target tracking

3.3.4. Exploit target behaviour

3.3.5. Launch weapons on target

3.4. 4. Task Group ops

3.4.1. One Merchant & SM

3.4.2. Push SM to MPA area

3.4.3. Escort HVU

3.4.4. Sanitise for HVU

3.4.5. Defend HVU against SM

3.5. 5. Advanced operations

3.5.1. Merchant, Mother, SM

3.5.2. Barrier search for transiting target

3.5.3. Evasive SM

3.5.4. SM in white shipping

3.5.5. Lots of no-go zones

3.6. 6. Special Weapons & Tactics

3.6.1. Duck Shoot - destroy 6 targets

3.6.2. Follow target through busy area

3.6.3. Get through 3 consecutive barriers

3.6.4. SM hiding under Milche Cow

4. Simulation

4.1. Behaviours

4.1.1. Rectangle Wander

4.1.2. Snort

4.1.3. Path

4.1.4. Evade

4.1.5. Attack

4.2. Observers

4.2.1. Sequence

4.2.2. Proximity

4.2.3. Distance

4.2.4. Find (Select) Target

4.2.5. Gain Target

4.2.6. Maintain Contact

4.2.7. Elapsed

4.2.8. Destroy Target

4.2.9. Obtain Solution

4.2.10. Match target course for period

4.2.11. location proximity (success)

4.2.12. location proximity (failure)

4.2.13. Stay in area (failure)

4.2.14. don't destroy target (failure)

5. Equipments

5.1. Passive Sonar

5.2. Weapons

5.3. Guided weapon

5.4. Active Sonar

6. Skills

6.1. Ownship Noise

6.2. Side lobes on noise

6.3. True/Ambiguous bearing

6.4. 1936 ranging

6.5. Target course perpendicular to peak bearing rate

7. Challenges

7.1. Find target (though Search not really part of game)

7.2. Range target

7.3. Trail target

7.4. Fire weapon at target

7.5. Sprint-drift to lay in wait for target

7.6. Evade target

7.7. Understand complex environment (multiple White & Red targets)