Islam's contribution to Science and Medicine

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Islam's contribution to Science and Medicine создатель Mind Map: Islam's contribution to Science and Medicine

1. Ibn al-Haitham 965-1039 C.E.

1.1. Scientific Method

1.2. Developed books on vision

1.3. Analytical Geometry

2. Jabir Ibn Hayyan 721- 815 C.E.

2.1. Discovered acids

2.1.1. Sulfuric

2.1.2. Hydrochloric

2.1.3. Nitric

2.2. Discovered Elements

2.2.1. Arsenic

2.2.2. Antimony

2.2.3. Bismuth

3. Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi

3.1. Founded the branch of Mathematics we call "Algebra."

3.2. Founded the Mathematical concept we call "Algorithim."

3.3. Introduced the usage of zero as a place-holder

4. Ibn Sina 980-1037 C.E.

4.1. Produced 16 medicinal works, basically versified treatises on various topics

4.1.1. hygienic precepts, proved remedies

4.2. Wrote Qunan which, was very advanced for the time

4.2.1. Diseases spread by water/soil

4.2.2. Speaks on the conditions of an intestinal worm

4.2.3. Importance of diet/environment and affect on an individual's health life

4.2.4. The use of surigical oral anaesthetics.

4.3. Had interesting private life

4.3.1. At one point included partying, drinking wine, and lots of women

5. Al-Razi (865-930)

5.1. Measles, Small Pox, Balanced Diet

5.2. Founded a hospital

5.3. His nine volume book "Hawi" was used as textbooks at one point

6. Az-Zaharawi

6.1. Produced book of instructions pertaining to surigical instruments

6.1.1. Used in Europe till the 16th century