Visual Text Features

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Visual Text Features создатель Mind Map: Visual Text Features

1. Cinematography

1.1. Camera work

1.1.1. Angle

1.1.2. Movement

1.1.3. Shots

1.2. Colour

1.3. Composition

1.4. Symbolism/ imagery

1.5. Lighting

2. Post Production

2.1. Editing (pace, cuts)

2.2. Font (subtitles, background text)

2.3. Special effects (CGI, blood, explosion, camera effects)

3. Sound

3.1. Music soundtrack (diegetic, non-diegetic)

3.2. Musical score

3.3. Diegetic sound effect (footsteps, door creak)

3.4. Voice-over, narration

3.5. Ambient sound/ silence

4. Acting

4.1. Use of Voice (tone, pitch, pace, volume)

4.2. body language (movement, gestures, posture)

4.3. Dialogue

4.4. Facial expressions

4.5. Actions

5. Production

5.1. Props

5.2. Costume

5.3. Set design

5.4. Effects (fake blood, explosions)