Define the problem? My friend is making a define the problem about me being off task. ...

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Define the problem? My friend is making a define the problem about me being off task. Do I laugh it off and tell him that I'm not off task. Or do I get mad and start yelling? создатель Mind Map: Define the problem?            My friend is making a define the problem about me being off task. Do I laugh it off and tell him that I'm not off task. Or do I get mad and start yelling?

1. Identify Your Values Known him for a long time, I know hes rarely serious and is probably joking, I don't feel like getting angry.

1.1. Explore the Alternatives Ignore him, tell him hes wrong, tell him a teacher is coming and hes off task or make a joke.

1.1.1. Consider the Consequences I might get in trouble if I make a joke and we laugh to hard, if I get mad he might get mad because it might have been a joke, or we could both get in trouble.

1.2. Decide and Act Make a joke and laugh it off, and not get mad.

1.2.1. Evaluate the Results Everyone has forgotten and no one cares. So everyone