Problem:Wether or not I should stay at home or go school?

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Problem:Wether or not I should stay at home or go school? создатель Mind Map: Problem:Wether or not I should stay at home or go school?

1. Consequences: The negatives would be you would lose a days worth of school. You will be behind your class,They might also have been sick on the same day as you. What would probably happen is you would come to school see your teachers and asked them for any materials that you did not receive, and your homework would be done that day for the next lesson. Google calander is not risky as teachers post the homework for each class on there,Your friend might not have the same class as you. There is a 100% chance of success as it will only start to affect your future and grades if you dont do it. It would affect others if there was a project then I would have to email them and ask them what the project is about.The positives would be you completer your homework on time,you asked three before the teacher, you are organised and finished your homework.

1.1. Values: Consider your long-term goals as well as the beliefs of your family and culture. Consider your own and others’ health and safety, and your self-respect. Identify those choices that are a good match for your values. My values are that I have to complete my homework. Get good grades dont slack behind Ask three before the teacher

1.1.1. Decide and Act The next day ask the teachers who's classes you missed for any materials you are missing. 1. Check my google calendar-5min 2.Check my drop folder-5min 3. See what homework I need to do -30min-1hr per subject 4.Go through all the homework from all the classes- 1-2hrs Evaluate the Results Good as I would not slack as I had asked three before the teacher,google calendar.I have done a good job and have become organised. They have been able to help me, How to not slack behind in class and do homework the day it i assigned.If I could do it differerently I would chose a different topic or subtopic as this is a bit genralized.

2. Alternatives:1. Go to google calendar 2.Ask a friend who has the same class as you. 3. The next day ask the teachers who's classes you missed for any materials you are missing.