GP Project - Private Schools vs. Public Schools in Mexico

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GP Project - Private Schools vs. Public Schools in Mexico создатель Mind Map: GP Project - Private Schools vs. Public Schools in Mexico

1. Students?

1.1. Medium to Lower Classes because maybe the Parents cannot afford a Private School

1.2. Medium to Wealthy Classes because the parents an afford Private education for their kids, but NOT always better

2. Security?

2.1. Better in Private Schools due to better pay to the security workers and a higher reachable level of secure security companies

3. If it is Private...How much do Parents have to pay?

3.1. Usually between 150 to 500 Mexican Pesos

4. What Transport do they use to go to school?

4.1. Bus or walking or bikes...

5. What are the characteristics of the school?

5.1. Usually almost the same

6. Education?

6.1. Usually almost the same