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Getting Real создатель Mind Map: Getting Real

1. Interface Design

1.1. Interface First

1.2. Epicentre Design

1.3. Three State Solutions

1.4. The Blank Slate

1.5. Get Defensive

1.6. Context Over Consistency

1.7. Copywriting is Interface Design

1.8. One Interface

2. Code

2.1. Less Software

2.2. Optimise for Happiness

2.3. Code Speaks

2.4. Manage Debt

2.5. Open Doors

3. Words

3.1. There's Nothing Functional about a Functional Spec

3.2. Don't Do Dead Documents

3.3. Tell Me a Quick Story

3.4. Use Real Words

3.5. Personify Your Product

4. Pricing and Signup

4.1. Free Samples

4.2. Easy On, Easy Off

4.3. Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids

4.4. A Softer Bullet

5. Promotion

5.1. Hollywood Launch

5.2. A Powerful Promo Site

5.3. Ride the Blog Wave

5.4. Solicit Early

5.5. Promote Through Education

5.6. Feature Food

5.7. Track Your Logs

5.8. Inline Upsell

5.9. Name Hook

6. Support

6.1. Feel The Pain

6.2. Zero Training

6.3. Answer Quick

6.4. Tough Love

6.5. In Fine Forum

6.6. Publicise Your Screwups

7. Post-Launch

7.1. One Month Tuneup

7.2. Keep the Posts Coming

7.3. Better, Not Beta

7.4. All Bugs Are Not Created Equal

7.5. Ride Out the Storm

7.6. Keep Up With the Joneses

7.7. Beware the Bloat Monster

7.8. Go With the Flow

8. Conclusion

8.1. Start Your Engines

8.2. 37signals Resources

9. The Starting Line

9.1. Build Less

9.2. What's Your Problem?

9.3. Fund Yourself

9.4. Fix Time and Budget, Flex Scope

9.5. Have an Enemy

9.6. It Shouldn't be a Chore

10. Stay Lean

10.1. Less Mass

10.2. Lower Your Cost of Change

10.3. The Three Musketeers

10.4. Embrace Constraints

10.5. Be Yourself

11. Priorities

11.1. What's the big idea?

11.2. Ignore Details Early On

11.3. It's a Problem When It's a Problem

11.4. Hire the Right Customers

11.5. Scale Later

11.6. Make Opinionated Software

12. Feature Selection

12.1. Half, Not Half-Assed

12.2. It Just Doesn't Matter

12.3. Start With No

12.4. Hidden Costs

12.5. Can You Handle It?

12.6. Human Solutions

12.7. Forget Feature Requests

12.8. Hold the Mayo

13. Process

13.1. Race to Running Software

13.2. Rinse and Repeat

13.3. From Idea and Implementation

13.4. Avoid Preferences

13.5. "Done!"

13.6. Test in the Wild

13.7. Shrink Your Time

14. The Organisation

14.1. Unity

14.2. Alone Time

14.3. Meetings Are Toxic

14.4. Seek and Celebrate Small Victories

15. Staffing

15.1. Hire Less and Hire Later

15.2. Kick the Tires

15.3. Actions, Not Words

15.4. Get Well Rounded Individuals

15.5. You Can't Fake Enthusiasm

15.6. Wordsmiths

16. Introduction

16.1. What is Getting Real?

16.2. About 37signals

16.3. Caveats, disclaimers, and other preemptive strikes