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Creation создатель Mind Map: Creation

1. Instructions

2. Gender

2.1. Yin and Yang

2.2. The Brain

2.3. Male and Female

3. Rythmn

3.1. Music

3.1.1. Solfeggio

3.1.2. Binaural Beats/ Isochronic Tones

3.2. Breath

3.2.1. Prana/Chi

4. Vibration

4.1. Light

4.1.1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

4.1.2. Visible Light

4.2. Cymatics

5. Cause and Effect

5.1. Karma

5.2. Health

5.3. Fear

5.4. Agape

6. Polarity

6.1. The Electric Universe

6.2. Atomic Theory

6.3. Magnetism

7. Mentalism

7.1. Consciousness is primary

7.1.1. Peter Russell

7.2. OOBE

7.2.1. Personal Universe

7.2.2. Lucid Dreaming LD Aids

7.2.3. Astral Projection

7.3. Cosmic Dreaming

7.4. Religion

7.5. Spirituality

7.6. Ego

7.7. Science/Physics

7.8. Shamanism

7.8.1. Entheogens Ayuhuasca Psilocybin Mescalin LSD Salvia Divinorum

7.8.2. Indigenous

8. Correspondence

8.1. As above so below

8.2. The Macrocosm

8.2.1. Astronomy

8.2.2. Relativity

8.2.3. Astrology

8.2.4. The Electric Universe

8.3. The Microcosm

8.3.1. Atomic

8.3.2. Cellular

8.4. The Holographic Universe

8.5. Sacred Geometry

8.5.1. The Mandlebrot Set

8.5.2. Fractals

8.5.3. Platonic Solids