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poverty создатель Mind Map: poverty

1. money

2. education

2.1. illiteracy

3. industrial revolution

3.1. industrialization

3.1.1. factorization

3.1.2. mechanisation specialization

3.1.3. modernization

4. government

4.1. law

4.2. poor economic system

4.3. political instability

4.4. political corruption

4.5. misuse of government power

4.6. weak rule of law

5. natural disaster

5.1. environment losses

5.2. human losses

5.2.1. famine epidemie

5.3. financial losses

6. exploitation

6.1. labor

6.2. child labor

7. gender

7.1. man and woman

7.1.1. classification

7.1.2. inequality

7.1.3. income inequality

7.1.4. rights and opportunity

8. corruption

9. capitalist

10. basic human needs

10.1. food shortages

10.2. clean water

10.3. healthcare

10.4. infrastructure

10.5. education

11. dictatorship

11.1. war

11.2. war

11.3. extortion

11.4. criminal organisation

11.5. drug trafficking

12. debt

13. population growth

13.1. overpopulation