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Español создатель Mind Map: Español

1. Future

1.1. Infinitive + e, as, a, emos, an

1.2. Used to describe an object in the future

2. Subjunctive

2.1. Adverbial Caluses

2.1.1. A fin de que, a menos que, a no se que, antes de que, con tal de que, en caso de que, no sea que, para que, sin que

2.2. Adjective Clauses

2.2.1. Replaces the adjective, so use the adjectival when the antecedent is non-existent

2.3. Nominal Clauses

2.3.1. A noun clause takes the place of a noun.

2.3.2. Anything “triggers” subjunctive except truth or certainty.

2.3.3. W.E.I.R.D.O

2.4. Imperfect: hubiera, hubieras, hubiera, hubieramos, hubieran

2.4.1. Perfect: haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayan

3. Present Progressive

3.1. The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle

3.2. Drop the ending and replace:

3.3. Ar-ando

3.4. Er/Ir- iendo

3.5. Used to describe what you are doing.

3.5.1. ex: I am eating

4. Preterite

4.1. AR= e, aste, o, amos, aron

4.2. ER/IR= i, iste, io, imos, ieron

4.3. Completed actions, specific events, specific times, beginning/end, summary, non-action verbs

5. Infinitive

5.1. To+Verb=infinitive

5.2. When to is missing: special verb+direct object+infinitive-to

6. Imperfect

6.1. AR= aba, abas, aba, abamos, aban

6.2. ER/IR= ia, ias, ia, iamos, ian

6.3. Descriptions, background, age, time, action verbs

7. Por vs Para

7.1. Para=destination, purpose"in order to"do, deadline, comparison to the"norm", indicate employer, to/for whom

7.1.1. Ex. Este regalo es para Juan. - This gift is for Juan

7.2. Por= reason, cause, period of time, through space, imprecise location/time, means of communication/transportation, exchange,indicating substitution

7.2.1. Ex. Gracias por la informacion - thanks you for the information

8. Reflexive Verbs

8.1. A verb is reflexive when the subject and object are the same.

8.1.1. Ex. I wash myself. I being the subject, wash being the verb, and myself being the object.

8.1.2. Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive.

9. Directos y Indirectos

9.1. Direct= me, te, lo/la, nos, los

9.1.1. Indirect= me, te, le, nos, les

10. Indefinitvos y Negativos

10.1. Indefinitivos: alguien, alguno, algo, cualquiera, tambien, siempre

10.2. Negatives: nadie, ninguno, nada, tampoco, nunca

11. Demonstratives

11.1. este (this), ese (that), aquel (that over there)

12. Present

12.1. Drop the ar/er/ir at the end of the verb and add:

12.2. (AR) o, as, a, amos, an

12.2.1. (ER/IR) o, es, e, imos, en

12.3. Used to express what you are doing.

12.3.1. ex: I eat.

13. Ser vs Estar

13.1. Ser

13.1.1. Characteristics, origin, profession, time, posession To be (name, lazy, smart, etc.) ex: Soy Jonathan (I'm Jonathan forever, I'm never not going to be Jonathan)

13.1.2. Soy, eres, es, somos, son

13.2. Estar

13.2.1. Location, state, progressive How someone/something is at the moment. ex: estoy triste (I'm sad for the moment, but I could be happy later.)

13.2.2. Estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estan

14. Saber vs Conocer

14.1. Saber

14.1.1. To know facts, to know how to do something ex: I know when the war of 1812 was.

14.2. Sustantivo + ser + dar + dueno

14.2.1. Mi, tu, su, nuestro, su ex: My mother; Mi madre.

14.3. Conocer

14.3.1. To be familiar with someone or something ex: I know a little about Madrid.

15. Possesion

15.1. To indicate ownership

15.1.1. There are 5 possessive adjectives: mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural. Mi-mis, tu-tus, su-sus Ex. Mi comida esta fria. My food is cold

16. Progresive

16.1. Part 1.

16.1.1. Estar= estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estan I am doing something ex: I'm talking -> Estoy hablando.

16.2. Part 2.

16.2.1. Gerund- verb+ando/iendo I do something

17. Articles

17.1. Definite arcticles

17.1.1. ex: give me that cookie. Indefinite articles ex: give me a cookie.

17.2. el, la, los, las

17.2.1. a few

17.2.2. un, una, unos, unas

18. Perfecto

18.1. Replaces an adjective

18.1.1. Pluperfect: habia, habias, habia, habiamos, habian had done something ex: I had never done that before!

18.1.2. Present: he, has, ha, hemos, han have done something ex: I have never done something like that!

18.1.3. Futuro: habre, habras, habra, habremos, habran will do something ex: I will never do something like that!

18.1.4. Conditional: habria, habrias, habria, habriamos, habrian would do something ex: I would do that, but I don't have time!

18.2. Made up of a helping verb and a past participle

18.2.1. Helping Verbs extend the meaning of the verb Past Participle: drop infinitive ending, add ado/ido

19. Interrogatives

19.1. Que, cual, cuanto, quien, donde, como, por que,cuando

20. Imperativo

20.1. Presente "yo"

20.2. Drop "o"

20.3. Opposite Ending

20.4. Ex: Hablar: x, hables, hable, hablemos, hablen

21. Conditional

21.1. Frequently used to express probability

21.1.1. would, cound have, probably, or must have

21.2. Infinitive + ia, ias, ia, iamos, ian

21.2.1. ex: hablar-> hablaria comer -> comeria

22. Comparativos

22.1. más (menos) + adjective + que más (menos) + adverb + que más (menos) + noun + que

22.1.1. Used to compare things ex: You are taller than I am

23. Superlativos

23.1. Used to say that someone/something is the absolute best at something

23.1.1. definite article + noun + más (menos) + adjective + de ex: John is the smartest in the class ex: Steve is the best athlete in the world.

24. Igualdad

24.1. Comparisons using like or as

24.1.1. tan + adjective (adverb) + como

24.1.2. ex: The book is as good as the movie.

25. La Voz Pasiva con Ser

25.1. You use SER + the past participial to form the Voz pasada.

25.1.1. The past participial agrees with the modified name

25.2. You do not use the voz pasiva with : verbs of emotion, progressive time.

26. La Voz Pasiva con Se

26.1. SE+the 3rd person singular or plural verb - to express those actions where there is not a specific subject.

26.1.1. Ex. Se habla Espanol, Se venden biciletas