Zhao Innovation Model

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Zhao Innovation Model создатель Mind Map: Zhao Innovation Model

1. Dependence

1.1. Human Suppot

1.2. Infastructure

1.3. Technical Proficiency

1.4. Tech Resources

2. Barriers

2.1. Ease of Access

2.2. Lack of Social Support / Savvy

2.3. Deviation from School Culture

2.4. Managable Scope

2.5. Non-Complementary Context

3. Effective Teaching

3.1. Reflection on beliefs

3.2. Social Awareness

3.3. Integration of Technology into Curricular Goals

3.4. Teacher Preparation

3.5. Tech is a means to an end

4. Effective Tech Integration

4.1. Affordances and Constraits

4.2. Teacher Preparation Knowledge

5. Support

5.1. Stakeholder Support

5.2. Social / Political Savvy

5.3. Human Interaction Support

6. Distance

6.1. Distance from School Culture

6.2. Distance from human support

6.3. Distance from own teaching practices

6.4. Distance from Available Tech Resources

7. Success Defined As

7.1. Evolutionary

7.2. Completion Rate

7.3. Use

8. Table 2

8.1. Cousett

8.2. Mary

8.3. Sara