Distance Education Distance education is any form of education that breaks from the typical class...

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Distance Education Distance education is any form of education that breaks from the typical classroom learning environment. It is education that allows for all types of students obtain education and skills who are not willing or able to sit in a classroom at a prescheduled date and time. There are numerous options for students when it comes to distance education. They can utilize online learning, hybrid classes, video, podcasts, and webcasts or seminars to obtain the education. Distance education allows more frredom for education when it comes to scheduling and educational content. создатель Mind Map: Distance Education Distance education is any form of education that breaks from the typical classroom learning environment. It is education that allows for all types of students obtain education and skills who are not willing or able to sit in a classroom at a prescheduled date and time. There are numerous options for students when it comes to distance education. They can utilize online learning, hybrid classes, video, podcasts, and webcasts or seminars to obtain the education. Distance education allows more frredom for education when it comes to scheduling and educational content.

1. Atypical students

2. Students have family obligations

3. Students have career obligations

4. Online learning

5. Hybrid classes

6. Video courses

7. Podcasts

8. Webinars

9. Students from various backgrounds

10. Learning done at various locations

11. Learning done at various times

12. More freedom in scheduling

13. Able to learn new skills

14. Able to learn new information

15. Career advancement

16. Career change

17. Able to learn new skills

18. Students need to be ready for online learning

19. Self motivation

20. Organized

21. Able to balance all obligations

22. Freedom to pick educational content