Equations for Mathematics

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Equations for Mathematics создатель Mind Map: Equations for Mathematics

1. Slope= 2

1.1. Rate of change =2

1.2. m=2

2. 0th term is 1

3. Shadding boxes to understand algorithms

4. Algorithms

4.1. Skip counting : 76+38

4.1.1. 76_______106_____114 ( +30, +8)

4.2. Lattice Method

5. Abacus- counting frame: base 10

5.1. 5 frames, 10 frames

6. My tree has 3 apples, everyday it grows 2 more apples, how many apples will I have on the 20th day? n=2(20) n=41

6.1. n=2t+1

7. B