War Game
создатель Екатерина Аксенова
1. История
1.1. Marine Doom
1.2. Military Thinking and Decision Making Exercises directive 1500.55
2. Статьи и исследования
2.1. Meet the Sims... and Shoot Them
2.2. The Theaters of War. Military-Entertainment Complex
2.3. Wikipedia: Military Simulations
2.4. Сборник статей по военной тактике
2.5. Монография "Real War on Virtual Battlefields" by Stefan Werning
2.6. Programming Theaters of War: Gamemakers as Soldiers
2.7. Military Computer Games and the New American Militarism
2.8. Simulation: The (Almost) Real Thing
3. Игры
3.1. America's Army
3.2. Strike & Retrieve
3.3. Тренинги и обучение
3.3.1. Серия продуктов от Will Interactive