How to introduce a guest speaker

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How to introduce a guest speaker создатель Mind Map: How to introduce   a guest speaker

1. Preliminary preparation: find information about people

1.1. Ask them directly

1.2. Read their bios and search some more

1.3. Main questions

1.3.1. Who they are?

1.3.2. Passion - what makes them interesting and unique?

2. Phases of introduction: (Questions to answer)

2.1. 1. Setup: (Current Situation)

2.1.1. Current situation Who is she? Where from? (country)

2.1.2. Name and background What position? Which company? What is her specialty?

2.2. 2. The Pich (what will do)

2.2.1. What is she going to talk about?

2.3. 3. The Close (the importance)

2.3.1. Why should the audience care? GOAL: To get the audience ready. Often people hear what the want/are prepared to hear "i.e. What SPEAKER have to say today is really valuable information. Dont just listen, but grab a pen and write it down..."...

2.3.2. Help Welcomming "I want to ask you to help me welcoming her up to the stage"