Amenorrhea- absence of menses at times other than before menarche/ during pregnancy Primary ameno...

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Amenorrhea- absence of menses at times other than before menarche/ during pregnancy Primary amenorrhea- failure to menstruate by age 16 in girls who have developed secondary sex characteristics Secondary amenorrhea- cessation of menstruation for at least 3 cycles in a woman who has est. a pattern of menstruation создатель Mind Map: Amenorrhea- absence of menses at times other than before menarche/ during pregnancy Primary amenorrhea- failure to menstruate by age 16 in girls who have developed secondary sex characteristics Secondary amenorrhea- cessation of menstruation for at least 3 cycles in a woman who has est. a pattern of menstruation

1. Medical management: primary: -turners syndrome (no cure)- psyche support -hormone imbalance- hormone therapy -eating d.o.- counseling secondary: -r/o preg -correct underlying cause

2. RN Management: Education and counseling: -stress reduction: relaxation and breathing -nutrition: dietary plan

3. Manifestations: primary- due to Turner syndrome (genetic d.o. w/only one X-chromosome), hormone imbalance, increase exercise, or eating d.o.--> decrease ovarian hormones secondary- most commonly d/t pregnancy; may result from endocrine d.o. (DM, hypothyroidism), increase exercise, stress, poor nutrition, ovarian/pituitary tumor, OCP use