Map 1 Chapters 18,19,20,24

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Map 1 Chapters 18,19,20,24 создатель Mind Map: Map 1 Chapters 18,19,20,24

1. Chapter 18

1.1. 18.4 World war I and its consequences

1.2. 18.3 Empires in Europe

1.2.1. 35 word summary of the section

1.3. 18.5 A second world war

1.4. 18.6 The postwar World

1.5. Chapter summary

1.5.1. This chapter discusses how the world started to globalize at the start of the 20th century. What were once local and regional conflicts could quickly become worldly affairs.

1.6. 18.2 The turn of the century world

1.6.1. The emergence of Japan and the United States

1.6.2. A world of empires At the start of the 20th century Germany and Japan were very strong and ambitious countries that were looking for an opportunity to expand pt. 2 Pt. 3

1.6.3. Nationalism and Imperialism

2. Chapter 20

2.1. Problem 1

2.2. Problem 2

2.3. Problem 3

2.4. Idea 4

3. Chapter 19

3.1. Idea 1

3.2. Idea 2

3.3. Idea 3

3.4. Idea 4

4. Chapter 24 (WWII)

4.1. The Road to War

4.1.1. The Rise of Militarism in Japan The worldwide economic depression of the 1930s further weakened Japan’s democracy.

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