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Banksy создатель Mind Map: Banksy

1. 1. One of Banksy's riskier murals was painted in the penguin exhibit of the London Zoo

1.1. 2. Which was where an early scene of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was filmed

1.1.1. 3. That was directed by Christopher Columbus 4. Who also directed Mrs. Doubtfire 5. Which starred comedian Robin WIlliams

2. 46. Keep Britain Tidy is a British organization that has been after Banksy for years

2.1. 47. This organization's headquarters are in Wigan, Greater Manchester

2.1.1. 48. Home of attraction, Wigan Pier 49. Which inspired Road to Wigan Pier 50. Which was written by George Orwell

3. 37. Hosted an ehibition known as the Cans Festival

3.1. 38. Held on Leake street

3.1.1. 39. Which is located under Waterloo Station 40. Which is where a scene from the Bourne Ultimatum was filmed 41. Which starred Matt Damon

4. 25. Art made up the Bristol Underground Scene

4.1. 26. Which is where the 1980 St. Paul's Riot took place

4.1.1. 27. Where William Whitelaw reported mistakes to be made in the initial iquiry 28. Who was played by John Standings in The Falklands Play 29. Who was also in Game of Thrones