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English Colonies создатель Mind Map: English Colonies

1. middle colonies

1.1. New Jersey

1.1.1. people could have own land

1.1.2. the king of england

1.1.3. so the king could have a royal colony

1.1.4. royal colony

1.1.5. part of southern new york was split

1.2. New York

1.2.1. the dutch were there first but the king of england gave it to his brother james and he took the land ad called it new york

1.2.2. new york was found by dutch people serching for a place to live

1.2.3. first it was the dutch and than the english took it over so english people lived there

1.2.4. its one of the major coloines back than and still today

1.2.5. the king of england gave the land to his brother that is why it was found

1.3. Delaware