Will y Be going to "Use and difference"

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Will y Be going to "Use and difference" создатель Mind Map: Will y Be going to "Use and difference"

1. Example: I am going to study more English

2. Basic Structure "Sujeto + to be + going to + infinitivo"

3. Interrogative: Is Kevin going to look for a new job?

4. Negative: She is not going to go on holiday

5. When I'm older, I'll have a beautiful house in the country.

6. I think it'll rain next week.

7. Example: I need to get my medicine. I will go to the pharmacy tonight. Aurelio will sift with cement to fix a wall. I’m sure it will rain today.

8. Example: - I’m going to learn English.. She is going to pay. Marcos is going to scrape his master card in the mall.

9. Use "Be going to": For actions that will happen soon or to express a plan that has.

10. Use "Will": Is used to express a promise, a prediction or something you want to do in the future.