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ePortfolio создатель Mind Map: ePortfolio

1. Recommended ePortfolio Tools (all free)

1.1. Eplilen

1.1.1. This ePortfolio site has all of the tools needed for students to collaborate, upload and store files, and reflect on their work. I like best on this site is their assessment tools. This site provides continuous tracking of students performance and encourages student and teacher participation.

1.1.2. Watch the video on Epsilen http://corp.epsilen.com/wp-content/uploads/EpsilenEnvironment.mp4

1.1.3. Connects students and faculty to share curriculum, lesson plans, tests, documents, and other resources!

1.1.4. File sharing, file review, collaborate

1.1.5. Mobile application available

1.1.6. Assesment tools The Assesment Portal The Learning Matrix Personalized Learning Test Wizard Progress Reports EdSteps

1.2. Digication

1.2.1. Digication is one of the leaders when it comes to ePortfolio software. What I like best about this easy to navigate site is that it offers a large amount of storage space to each user. That means there will be an ample amount of space to upload images and videos of students work and presentations.

1.2.2. Check out an example of a ePortfolio https://stonybrook.digication.com/egimenez/Welcome/published

1.2.3. Great way to showcase and reflect on work

1.2.4. Customizable templates

1.2.5. Free accounts for schools using Google Apps for Education Administrator

1.3. Googlio

1.3.1. Public and Private sites available You may not want everyone to have access to your ePortfolio. The type of privacy can be set when choosing what template to use for your pages. I like this site for its easy access for collaboration through Google.

1.3.2. Many "how to" videos

1.3.3. Build a Googlio from a Google Site

1.3.4. Great for blogging and connecting with others on Googlio.

1.4. Desire2Learn

1.4.1. My favorite tool using this App is that you can upload, and reflect anywhere, anytime using a smartphone or other mobile device. Most of us take pictures and video using our phones, so this just makes adding content to our portfolio that much easier.

1.4.2. Mobile App

1.4.3. Upload videos, photos, audio, documents anywhere you have service on your mobile device!

1.4.4. Create reflections using your smartphone

1.4.5. Tag others in collections

1.4.6. Send links through Chrome

1.4.7. View local content even when offline

2. Assessment

2.1. Traditional

2.1.1. Written test

2.1.2. Evaluate simple cognitive skills

2.2. Authentic

2.2.1. Evaluate process-type behavior

2.2.2. Comprehensive

2.2.3. Rating Scales Performance checklists Attitude scales Product rating checklist Rubric

2.2.4. ePortfolio Key component- Student's reflection of work Represents performance over time Use rubrics

3. Benefits of ePortfolios

3.1. Keep work organized

3.2. Easily shared digitally

3.3. Store multiple forms of material and types

3.4. Allows students to add reflections to work

3.5. Take less space

3.6. Time effective way to provide feedback and collaborate

4. Challenges of ePortfolios

4.1. Not always easily accessible (need electronic equipment)

4.2. May need internet access

4.3. Time consuming especiially for beginners

4.4. Security