Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner

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Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner создатель Mind Map: Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner

1. My goal for this paper is to further educate my fellow classmates and give them bridges and tips to researching and using digital tools as a digital learner

1.1. Inspire someone about your topic?

1.2. Specific grade?

1.3. Do your best work?


2.1. Can assist in research through other online schools, students, ect.


3.1. This website contains up to 15 different tools and apps for the digital learner.

4. Fort Stewart Library

4.1. The Fort Stewart Library has many different resources I can use to help me understand digital learning and can help me find tips to help my fellow classmates.

5. APU/AMU library

5.1. I think this may be one of the best forms of obtaining information because in some cases it comes from actual "real life" experiences which can help in many ways.


6.1. My favorite site that I have found researching this topic so far being that my learning style is predominantly visual, especially online. This website has the tools to make learning fun and exciting and also can make teaching fun as well.