Instructional Strategies

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Instructional Strategies создатель Mind Map: Instructional Strategies

1. Puzzles

1.1. Description

1.1.1. Puzzles come in a variety of forms including crossword puzzles, word searches, hidden message, double puzzles, and many others

1.1.2. These puzzles are used to develop and exercise student critical thinking and problem solving skills in a fun but educational way

1.2. Advantages

1.2.1. Provide educational content in a fun way

1.2.2. Exercise critical thinking skills

1.2.3. Have an inherent appeal to children

1.2.4. Reinforce skills in curriculum areas

1.2.5. Exercise problem solving skills

1.2.6. Develop new concepts

1.3. Challenges

1.3.1. We have no internet in the barn

1.3.2. We have no computers to create puzzles online

1.4. Enhanced by Technology

1.4.1. Create and use online puzzle websites Kubbu StudyStack Brainy Box Just Crosswords APTE

2. Bulletin Board

2.1. Description

2.1.1. A bulletin board is a physical or virtual space where teachers and/or students are able to post educational information and student work.

2.2. Advantages

2.2.1. Create a space for teacher sharing

2.2.2. Create a space for student sharing

2.2.3. Inspirational

2.2.4. Provide students with class knowledge

2.2.5. Encourage creativity

2.2.6. Place to post announcements

2.2.7. Place to post student achievements

2.3. Challenges

2.3.1. We have no internet access at work (online bulletin)

2.3.2. We have no computers/tablets at work (online bulletin)

2.3.3. Would need to purchase a bulletin board

2.4. Enhanced by Technology

2.4.1. Create an online bulletin board Pinterest Wallwisher Corkboard Me Popplet Spaaze Group Zap RealtimeBoard

3. Resources

3.1. Education World. (n.d.). A Puzzle a Day Provides Practice that Pays. Retrieved May 6, 2015, from

3.2. Education World. (n.d.). From "Pretty" to Practical using Bulletin Boards to Teach. Retrieved May 6, 2015, from