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Aspects of student engagement создатель Mind Map: Aspects of student engagement

1. Learning with peers

1.1. Project-based learning

1.2. Teamwork and collaboration

1.3. Peer review and feedback

2. Campus environment

2.1. Access to resources

2.2. Access to space

2.3. Access to technology

2.4. Availability of support services

2.4.1. Academic advice

2.4.2. Counselling

2.5. Extra-curricular activities

2.6. Diversity of student cohort

3. Academic challenge

3.1. Multi-disciplinary learning

3.2. Authentic experiences

3.2.1. Real-world

3.2.2. Career- or discipline-specific

3.3. Scaffolded development

3.4. Developing and transferring generic skills

3.4.1. Communication

3.4.2. Citizenship

3.4.3. Critical thinking

3.4.4. Continuous learning

4. Experiences with faculty

4.1. High expectations

4.2. Classroom environments

4.2.1. Active learning

4.2.2. Flexible and adaptive

4.2.3. Safe

4.2.4. Collaborative

4.3. Personal interactions

4.4. Course structure

4.5. Career directions

4.6. Productive online communications

4.7. Feedback and feedforward

4.7.1. Regular

4.7.2. Personalised

4.7.3. Authentic