Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Chocolate Chip Cookies создатель Mind Map: Chocolate Chip Cookies

1. Step 1: Cream two sticks of butter, 1 cup of packed brown sugar and 1 cup of white sugar in a large bowl and mix until smooth.

1.1. Step 2: Cream two large eggs and 1 tsp. of vanilla extract into the butter and sugar mixture and mix well.

1.1.1. Step 3: In the butter and sugar mixture you have two large eggs and vanilla. With that mixture add 2 cups of white flour, 1 tsp. of salt and 1 tsp. of backing soda and mix well.

2. Step 4: Stir in 2 cups of chocolate chips and mix well.

2.1. Step 5: After you have mixed in all of your ingredients drop by teaspoonful onto a cookie sheet about 1 inch apart from each other. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown at 375 degrees.

2.1.1. Step 6: Let the cookies cool for about 15 minutes. Step 7: Enjoy!!!