"What is your Philosophy of Education?"

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"What is your Philosophy of Education?" создатель Mind Map: "What is your Philosophy of Education?"

1. How are you going to teach?

1.1. In teaching the curriculum I will try to incorporate any previous knowledge as well as trying to link to other subjects they may be currently learning about in other classes or that they may be interested in.

1.2. One way I'll make sure students see the importance of what they are learning is by giving them activities where either they can pick the topic to which apply the lesson. Additionally I will give them assignments that relate to everyday activities such as how to determine the tip on a meal.

1.3. For the most part assessment will be through the standard methods. But, I will make sure that students can make up bad grades, that way there is an incentive to go back and learn a topic which they did not do well on.

2. What is the role of education?

2.1. The purpose of education is to pass on essential knowledge that has already been learned from one generation to another.

2.2. The role of the student is at first to absorb the knowledge that builds a base. From there they should become actively involved in their education by steering it to an area of content that they are interested with

2.3. The teacher is there to act as a complement to the students. At first they should give the students a base which they need for every day life and encourage self discovery of interests. But, later on they need to adaptive to the student's interests.

3. What are you going to teach?

3.1. I want to teach high school algebra.

3.2. My goal for my students is to get them interested in how how mathematics will help them in their life. Additionally I want them to leave my class prepared for any math they may have to do there after, be that moving to calculus and later on linear algebra or just how to understand how their mortgage and investments work.

4. Whom are you going to teach?

4.1. I will be teaching adolescents. I want to teach adolescents because they are at a pivotal part of their life where it is still not too hard form them to turn around their way of thinking about education. I would like to inspire them to not put a ceiling to their learning to become lifelong learners whether they go on to higher education or not.

4.2. I think that adolescents learn best when they are genuinely interested in what they are learning and can imagine how it may applicable to them in their lives.